Build Basic Website /E-Commerce Shop

  • Get started with a basic Website/E-Commerce site on a selected platform.
  • Strategic planning to match your budget and needs.
  • Targeted SEO keyword rich pages and descriptions.
  • 10 Custom images to match your brand.
  • 3 Revisions.


WordPress Lead Capturing Website

  • Create an engaging lead capturing website with 4 SEO keyword rich pages & 5 blog posts to start.
  • Website acts as a strategic asset that grows valuable over time.
  • Gain search engine traction to leverage your reach in a specific local niche or industry.
  • Use this website in repeat ad campaigns to capture leads and grow your business.
  • Create a narrated introduction video to showcase your product or service.
  • 15 Custom images for page content and blog posts.
  • 3 Revisions


Strategic Content & Ongoing Maintenance

  • 10 Industry relevant blog posts with narrated video and featured graphic.
  • Share blog and video content to your social media platforms.
  • Update and maintain the website and any plugins.
